Bizz Store – A Responsive eCommerce WordPress Theme

by admin on January 10, 2013

Bizz Store is an eCommerce WordPress Shop theme from Bizz Themes that utilizes the powerful WooCommerce plugin. It is built upon Bootstrap framework with fancy front end capabilities right of the box. It is responsive to your customers screen sizes no matter if they use a desktop pc, a tablet or a smart-phone to view your site.

Bizz Store WordPress Theme


Standard: $69

Developers: $99

Club Membership (All Themes): $99 – $199/year

Demo & Release Page | Download


  • Extended WooCommerce – Besides regular WooCommerce features, we have extended the core functionality and have added other powerful features to enhance your web store. We have added additional options to display your products in multiple columns, more powerful shortcodes and modified the whole layout for your shop. Your customers will receive the best online shopping experience possible with tested and proven e-commerce that works.
  • Featured Slider – Featured slider enables your to showcase your products, images or videos. Extensive effects and the fact slider works even better on mobile phones will give you opportunity to really engage your website visitors to purchase more of your products. It is powered by the fully responsive FlexSlider, which makes it usable on mobile devices.
  • Mega Menus – Mega menus are user-friendly and highly customizable drop-down menus, which are fully integrated into default WordPress Menus system. They work out of the box with the WordPress 3 Menu System, making it simple to get started but powerful enough to create highly customized and creative mega menu configurations. Create up to 5 columns and display everything from regular navigation links to HTML and shortcodes.
  • Twitter Bootstrap – Theme styling is built upon Twitter Boostrap framework, which is sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. It gives you opportunity to enhance your website styling. It is beyond amazing, just add some CSS styles to your website and that is it, your site looks prettier than ever.
  • Fully Responsive Design – Design and the whole structure of this theme is built to scale on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices, along with different screen sizes. Theme has been built using the latest HTML5 standards and will fully embrace the forthcoming browser innovations.
  • Custom Templates – Add custom pages like Blog, Archives, Contact Form or choose No Sidebar page template if you want to display your page content in full width. Simply create a page and choose the template of choice, theme will do the rest. It is really easy to manage, so you shouldn’t have any problems with it.
  • 5 Alternative Colour Styles – You may style your site however you want, however, we have included 5 predefined skins to choose from. Match your brand design with one click and use simple design editor to style the rest (fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders,…).
  • Layered PSDs included for Customisation
  • Automatic theme and framework updater
  • Grid-Based Design & Valid HTML
  • Unlimited page templates
  • Advanced Shortcodes
  • Direct access to template control of every page
  • Works as demo instantly after activation


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