Cssigniter released the next generation responsive WordPress theme Sun Resort designed to showcase your hotel or resort in style.
Price: CSSigniter Membership: $39 (unlimited access to all themes)
Demo & Release Page | Download
- Booking Form – Let your visitors get in touch with you using Sun Resort’s fully integrated booking request form.
- Flexible Layout – Build the website your resort has been dreaming of. Sun Resort is so versatile that you can set up a truly unique portal in minutes!
- Drag & Drop Homepage – Build your website’s homepage exactly the way you want it by using our custom content widgets. No coding skills needed.
- Custom Widgets – Custom widgets mean more functionality. Content widgets, social networking, Twitter, Flickr and more!
- Multiple Color Schemes – Choose from multiple, carefully selected color schemes, or even assign a different color scheme for each page!
- SEO Optimized – Will help you rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo!
- Theme Options
- Localization
- Shortcodes
- Custom Menus
- HTML 5 / CSS3
- Alternative Colour Variations
- Cross Browser Compatibility
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